
Things I love #11: Journal cover

This journal was given to me for my 14th birthday. My sister-in-law gave it to me and wrote such lovely inscriptions inside the front cover:

“The world is but canvas to our imagination.”

“May you fill this book with poems, wishes, dreams.”

This is my favourite journal.

Love the colours, the gold script, the vintage vibe, and the music notes.

I’ll put this cover on my gallery wall.


Things I Love #1: Sea otters

This video of a mother sea otter and her pup melted my heart.

It’s both adorable and beautiful.

It made me think of God and how amazing he is for creating such creatures that show such care.

It reminds me of how God cares for us.

It also reminds me of my love for Keanu and our morning snuggles together. Keanu shows me God’s love and care.


The blank page is magical

The blank page is but a canvas to your imagination

When I open a journal and see a blank page, I can be overcome by the beauty of it.

The blank page is magical.

It is a canvas for your heart and soul.

You can put anything you want on the page, and it is a piece of you recorded in time.

Journaling gives me joy and keeps me sane. It’s a therapeutic creative outlet. The journal is a safe place to express myself and get to know myself and the world better.

I’m a lifelong journlaer and I always want to encourage others to journal.

Journal your life because your stories matter.